Sunday 3 November 2013

Mama's lemon cake

which turned out quite well, considering it is absolutely impossible to whip evaporated milk in this country...

Lemon Cake

1 lemon (zest and juice)
1 glass of sugar
1 glass of water
175g of evaporated milk
Lemon gelatine (brought from Spain, so who knows how to get it here in the same format)
6 digestive biscuits
A bit of milk and a teaspoon of liqueur (I used baileys).
Some more sugar for the caramel (~3tbsp)

Put the sugar for the caramel in a fireproof tin (I used a normal oven tin) and melt it over the fire until it gets liquid. Let it cold down.

In a sauce pan mix water, lemon zest, juice and the sugar. Heat until it starts boiling. Remove from the fire and add the gelatine. Leave to cool down a bit.

Whip the evaporated milk (if you can!). I tried for quite a long time and gave up, but my mum swears she can do it...

Mix the milk with the sugar/lemon mixture and then pour over the cold solidified caramel. 

Mix three or four tablespoons of milk with the baileys and dunk the biscuits (without getting them soft!). Arrange on top of the cake (no need to make it too pretty, as this will be the bottom of the cake).

Leave it overnight in the fridge.