Saturday 4 June 2011

Another Danish goodie... Kanelsnurrer (Cinnamon buns)

This weekend I've gone for a sweet bread... These buns are really soft and fluffy!
It's another Meyers' recipe, but I've halved it so you get eight buns.

Cinnamon buns

250 ml cold milk
25 g fresh yeast
1 small egg
500 g plain flour
75 g white sugar
7 g salt
6 g ground cardamom
75 g butter

For the filling:
60 g melted butter
75 g white sugar
1 tbsp ground cinnamon

For the topping:
1 egg
Some suggar

Mix the cold milk with the yeast in a bowl. Then add the egg, flour, sugar, salt and cardamom. This has to be mixed until the dough is smooth and shiny, approx 20 minutes on the mixing machine (or by hand if you have the energy!).

Then cut the butter in small dice, add to the dough and mix for another 20 minutes. Cover with a kitchen towel and leave to rest for 1 1/2 hours, until doubled in size.

Get the dough out onto a floured surface and roll into a rectangle, approx 25cm x 40cm.

Spread the melted butter on the rolled dough, then sprinkle the sugar and the cinnamon. Fold the dough twice so you get three layers (folding on the 40cm side).

Roll the folded dough again until it's 30 cm x 25 cm. Cut in 8 pieces (which will be 30 cm long).

Now the shaping bit which is a bit tricky... Take each stripe and twist it from the ends, so it looks like a twisted rope. Then holding the stripe with one hand, you need to fold it twice around your index and middle finger and "close" the shape with the hanging bit by pushing it between your fingers.

Put the shaped buns on a baking tray and leave uncovered to rise for approx 2 hours until doubled in size.

Brush the buns with the beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake in the oven at 200C for 13 minutes and then leave to cool down on a wire rack.

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