Friday 6 May 2011

Mor's rye bread

I'm not sure if this is going to be a disaster or a success, as I haven't seen the inside of this bread yet... Doesn't look too bad on the outside, though...

Here goes the recipe:

Leaven: (only for the first time, then the bread dough before baking is used as leaven)

1 dl water (at 40C)
1 dl plain flour
10 g fresh yeast

Stir all the ingredients together. Cover the mix with plastic foil and leave for 2-3 days at room temperature.

Once the leaven is ready, we can start the bread itself. It takes two days to make this bread, so it needs to be planned a bit in advance.

First part:

1.8 l water (at 40C)
6 tbsp salt
2 dl leaven
1 tsp sugar

Second part:

300 g cracked rye grain
100 g sunflower seeds
100 g linseed
400 g cracked wheat grain
400 g rye flour

Third part:

5 dl water
700 g rye flour
250 g cracked rye grain

1. Mix and stir the water, salt, sugar and leaven together until the leaven is resolved. Mix the second part of the ingredients into the leaven-resolution. Stir firmly until it is completely mixed together. Leave the mix to rest (and grow) at room temperature, covered by a kitchen towel, for 12-24 hours (I do this first bit in the morning before going to work and leave it till the next morning).

2. Add then the third part of the ingredients and stir well until the dough is a kind of thick paste. Take 2dl of this dough to use as leaven for the next time (at the bottom it's explained how to keep this leaven).
Grease two tins well with oil and divide the dough into the tins. Flatten the dough with the back of a spoon and leave at room temperature, covered by a kitchen towel, for 4-8 hours.

3. Brush the top of the bread (which should have grown a bit) with olive oil and bake for 1.5 hours at 200C (top and bottom). Then take out of the tins and leave to cool down on a wire rack (it takes quite some time to cool down and it shouldn't be cut while hot or it crumbles).

How to keep the leaven:

The leaven should be kept in the lid in a jar with a lid (or a tupper). The leaven needs to be taken out of the fridge and left at room temperature for 1-2 days before it's used.
The leaven is good for 3 weeks only if kept in a fridge. It can be kept for 3 months if frozen. Again, it should rest at room temperature for 1-2 days after defrosting.

How to keep the bread:

The bread keeps well for about 1 week at room temperature. It can keep frozen for approx 3 months. Don't keep it in the fridge as it will quickly become dry.


  1. Crispis, photos look great and I am sure it will taste great. I need to get some of this cracked grains so if you go again to danmark... :)

  2. Just had it for lunch... Still a bit sticky, but definitely edible :-)

  3. How many grams is the 1 dl plain flour (in the leaven) recipe?

  4. Hi Kate,

    I get 90 g of flour for 1 dl...

    let me know how it goes!


  5. The dark bread turned out perfectly :) I have a little container in the fridge now that may never end.. My husband thinks that it's a very good recipe too, he's the real dark bread lover.
