Saturday 30 June 2018

Nutella bread thingies

Second attempt at enriched dough since doing the breadmaking course. Lot better than the first one (which was mostly uncooked!), but I guess it would have been better a bit thinner.

Nutella sweet bread

500g strong white flour
1tsp salt (6g)
30g white sugar
60g softened butter (+40g extra for second knead)
225g milk
1 egg (beaten)
14g fresh yeast

Mix in a big bowl the flour, salt, sugar and the 60g of softened butter with your hands.

In a jug mix the milk and egg, and dissolve the fresh yeast.

Pour the liquid into the flour bowl and mix it well with your hands, adding more milk if the dough is too dry (yeah, I know... what's too dry??). Take out of the bowl and knead for 10 minutes. Leave it to rest for 10 minutes and then add the extra butter (must be really really soft!), little by little as you knead it some more.

Leave it to ferment for 30 minutes.

Roll out to a rectangle (I'll try thinner than the one in the picture next time).
Spread nutella on the left half of the rectangle, and then fold the un-nutellaed side over the one with the nutella.

Cut in ~5cm wide stripes (a pizza cutter is very good for this). Using the same pizza cutter, make two little slits ~3cm from the edge (lengthwise) and ~5cm long. Then twist the end of the dough to pass it through the hole and do the same on the other end.

Prove for 40min and then bake at 210C for 15min.

Cool down on a wire rack, and then brush with some icing sugar mixed with water (not sure of the ratio, I don't think it matters too much!).