Monday 23 May 2011

Walnut bread

I had previously made this bread, but this is the first time I try with the breadmaker. I decided to just mix and rise the dough and then shape it manually (you can get really tired of cubic bread...). The only thing is that you can only use the breadmaker if it has a nut dispenser...

Walnut Bread (Pain aux Noix)

2 tsp dried yeast (fast action)
250 g strong white flour
125 g rye flour
125 g wholemeal flour
2 tsp salt
350 ml water
150 g walnuts, roughly chopped

Put all the ingredients (except for the walnuts) in the machine. The walnuts will need to be added in the nut dispenser. Use the wholemeal-raisin dough setting which in my machine takes around 2 hours and a half.

Take the dough out into a floured surface and shape into a log loaf, about 25 cm in lengh. Cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 45 minutes. It grows a lot!

Bake at 200C for 50 minutes and then leave to cool on a wire rack.

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