Sunday 12 February 2012

Finally some wholemeal bread

As requested by my sister Laura, this is a wholemeal bread, although not seedy. I must admit that most of the wholemeal breads I've tried tend to be a bit dry, but not this one!

Sorry about the strange quantities for the ingredients. The original recipe had more than 700g of flour, and it wouldn't fit in my breadmaker, so I decided to do 1/3 of all the ingredients...

Malted wholemeal loaf

1 1/2 tsp fast-action dried yeast
300 g strong granary flour
150 g strong wholemeal flour
17 g butter, diced
10 g salt
1 tbps malt extract
200 ml warm water
100 ml warm milk
Kibbled (cracked) wheat, to sprinkle

Get all the ingredients into the breadmaker (check the order for your machine) and start the wholemeal/dough program.

Once the program has finished, turn the dough into a floured surface and shape into a loaf. Leave it to rise for around 40 minutes until doubled in size.

Brush with milk and sprinkle with the kibbled wheat. You can make some cuts or decorate as you prefer.

Bake at 200C for 40 minutes. Turn to cool into a wire rack.

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