Sunday 15 May 2011


Yesterday I tried for the first time to make some burger buns. It's always been difficult to find nice burger bread in the supermarket, which is surprising, so I though I would give it a go.

It's a really easy recipe with very simple ingredients, it takes less than 4 hours in total and the result is amazing!

The original recipe is for 14 buns, but I halved it and it worked perfectly. Here it goes:

Burger buns

2.5 dl tepid water
13 g fresh yeast
450 g plain flour
37 g sugar
7 g salt
37 g softened butter

Pour the water in a bowl and mix the yeast in until it dissolves. Add the flour, sugar and salt and mix together.
Add the softened butter and mix/knead for 6-8 minutes (I did it with the Kenwood mixing machine, but it would be fine to do it by hand).

Leave it to rest for 1 hour at room temperature covered with a kitchen towel.

Put the dough in a floured surface and roll into a "sausage" shape. Cut the sausage in 7 pieces. Roll every piece into a ball, dipping it into sesame seeds before placing it on an oven tray. It's important to leave some room between the dough balls as they will need the space. Leave them to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes (I didn't cover them at all).

Place another tray on top of the buns and push it to flatten them. Then leave them uncovered to rest for 1 hour (room temperature).

 Bake in the oven at 220C for 13 minutes and then let them cool down on a wire rack.

1 comment:

  1. I can see yu take good care of yourself lately... first pizza and now burguers!
