Tuesday 24 January 2012

Haddock with a bit of spice!

I bought a jar of "mojo verde picante" for Christmas this year and I didn't really know what to do with it (there's a limit on how many potatoes with mojo you feel like eating!) so I found a recipe online for haddock with mojo verde and sort of adapted it... I'm not going to write a proper recipe for it, but I'm adding it to the blog because it's quite nice and a bit different.

Basically you boil some potatoes. Then you mix them with the mojo (up to you how much, depends on your taste for hot food!), mash it and form pancakes. Then fry the pancakes in a pan until they get a bit golden. Then fry the haddock fillet in a bit of oil. And that's it! Pancake on bottom, haddock on top and a bit of mojo to decorate.


  1. I didn't get bored of mojo before the jar finished. But I thought the red was better than the green...

  2. I like the green better, but not so spicy! There's still half a jar left in the fridge!
