Wednesday 18 January 2012

I'm back!

After a bit of a break to have a baby :-), I'm back baking! The truth is that I've baked quite a few things since last post, but time is a bit more precious these days to spending updating the blog... I've now been threatened with losing one of my five(!) followers so here we go...

Sundried tomatoes and rosemary loaf

Very tasty bread, and surprisingly, quite spongy and soft. We had it with fresh mozzarella, rocket salad and sundried tomatoes :-) Yummy!

1 tsp fast action yeast
350 g strong white flour
150 g malted flour
1 tsp salt
55 g chopped sundried tomatoes in oil (drained)
2 tbsp tomato oil (from the sundried tomatoes jar)
1 tbps fresh rosemary (chopped)
320 ml water

As usual, I prepare the dough in the breadmaker (white basic - dough setting). Once is finished, take it out and shape it into a round loaf (or any other shape if you prefer). I leave it to prove for 40 minutes and then bake it at 200C (top and bottom oven) for 40 minutes. Then leave it to cool down on a wire rack.

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