Friday 27 January 2012

Pesto rolls

Very easy to make, although I managed to stain my new fancy oak dinner table :-(

The consistence of the rolls is really good, and the pesto makes them very tasty.

I'll definitely be trying to make them without the pesto as breakfast rolls.

Pesto Rolls

1 tsp fast action yeast
350 g strong white flour
150 g malted grain flour*
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil

For the topping

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbps pesto

Put all the ingredients in the breadmaker in the right order for your machine, and start the white - dough programme.

Once the programme has finished, knead the dough for a few more minutes, then divide it in 8 pieces, and shape each piece into a roll.

Oil a ring-shaped oven tin. Mix the oil and pesto in a bowl and with two forks coat each roll on all sides with the pesto mix, placing them in the oven tin.

Leave to rest until doubled in size (there is no need to cover them), approximately 40 minutes.

Bake at 200C for 25 minutes. Once they've finished leave them to rest in the tin for 5 minutes and then place them in a wire rack for cooling down.

For the malted grain flour I've used the one in the picture, which has wheat flour, malted wheat flakes and barley malt flour. 

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