Thursday 8 March 2012

Seeded Moroccan loaf

It doesn't feel very Moroccan-ish to me, maybe the honey? In any case it's turned out to be quite good... Really soft inside and full of sunflower seeds, mmmm... The original recipe suggested sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, but I added what I had, sunflower, sesame, linseed and flaxseed.

Seeded Moroccan loaf

1 1/2 fast action dried yeast
350 very strong white flour
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp honey
225 ml warm milk
3 tbsp each of sesame, linseed and sunflower seeds (or whichever seeds you have/prefer)
Some extra seeds for sprinkling

Put the ingredients in the breadmaker in the right order for your machine and start the dough/raisin programme.

Once it's finished, turn the dough into a floured surface and shape into a round loaf.

Leave to rise for 45 minutes covered with a tea towel, until doubled in size.

Brush with egg and sprinkle with sunflower seeds (or any other seeds).

Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 30 minutes.

Turn to a wire rack to cool.


  1. I will try it but... how do you manage for the 'sprinkled' seeds not to fall any time you try to cut it? I end up by eating all of them one by one :)

  2. When you brush it with egg they stick more, but they still fall... Also pushing them a bit into the dough helps...

  3. Laura Maritzia24 May 2012 at 21:39

    Qué rico todo Cris! Alguna idea de la equivalencia entre levadura seca y fresca?
    Un besito!!!

  4. Laurilla!! Pues ahora no lo tengo a mano (estoy de vacas en Madrid) pero cuando vuelva lo miro!
