Sunday 4 March 2012


This bread looks great and it tastes even better! It's a plaited white loaf with milk.


2 tsp fast action dried yeast
500 g strong white flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp white sugar
60 g unsalted butter
egg glaze (1 egg and 1 tbsp milk)

Add the ingredients to the breadmaker in the right order for your machine. Start the white/dough programme. Once it has finished divide the dough in three equal pieces.

Roll each piece into a long rope (around 40 cm). Starting in the middle of the ropes, plait the bread (first to one side and then the other). Press the ends of the ropes together and tuck them neatly under the plait. 

Leave to prove until doubled in size for 40 minutes, covered with a tea towel. Then brush the top with the egg glaze.

Bake in the oven at 180C for 40 minutes. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

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